This is Why You’re Drunk: Badass Manhattan (updated)

I have already published a tried-and-true Manhattan recipe, but then there’s progress… Here’s the latest way I like to empty a cocktail glass. I bet you’ll like it too!


Looks classy. Are you sure you deserve this?

Updated Badass Manhattan
Serves one fancy gentleman


  • 3 parts bourbon (Maker’s or better)
  • 1 part sweet vermouth (Carpano Antica)
  • 2 shakes orange bitters
  • Ice


  1. Half-fill a cocktail shaker with ice
  2. Add bourbon, vermouth, and bitters
  3. Stir gently – DO NOT SHAKE!
  4. Strain into a cocktail glass (if you like ice in your drink, strain into an old fashioned glass with ice)
  5. Drink (with friends or alone – I still won’t judge you)


  • I’m too lazy to click a link – how does this differ from the earlier recipe? >> The earlier recipe used cherry juice and a cherry in-place of the bitters. I don’t like angostura bitters for this drink, but the orange bitters are awesome. And cherries are for children.
  • Shaking looks cool – why not? >> You know what’s not cool? Getting tiny shards of ice in your “up” drink. There’s no need to shake this cocktail. You only shake to froth-up cream or egg whites or to release essences from citrus or mint. Shake your groove thing instead!carpano antica formula
  • What do you mean, “Maker’s or better?” >> Because you’re a connoisseur, you want a decent bourbon for this drink. Because it’s a cocktail, it doesn’t need to be top shelf. Get a bourbon that’s in the $25-40/bottle range. Anything over $40 is too good, and anything under $25 is trash. For this, Maker’s Mark is ok – Woodford Reserve is better.
  • What do you mean, “Carpano Antica?” >> When I started my trips to Manhattan, I thought any vermouth would do. I was wrong. Carpano Antica isn’t a bargain brand – it’s around $34/bottle, but that’s money well-spent. Treat yourself right by elevating your vermouth.
  • What about rye? >> The classic Manhattan is made with rye instead of bourbon – and that’s a fine substitution. If you like rye, feel free to swap-out the bourbon for rye – leave the other ingredients the same.

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