It’s the (final) Thanksgiving Countdown

I don’t want to make this weird, but there are only two (2) weeks to go:

(clicks link, hears anthem)


Nixon pardoned this turkey. Later he resigned the presidency. True story. 

Because you’re busy (read “incompetent”), I’ve assembled some links that will help your Thanksgiving performance by having expert advice within arm’s reach. You’re welcome.

But first, let’s pause to think. Thanksgiving Goals:

  • Excellent meal
  • Nice memories
  • No bullshit!

To prepare an excellent meal, you need to have your tools and materials in-place and ready for action. Here’s a post from the past where I tell you about the hardware you will need to escape embarrassment for a change.

Thanksgiving: What Will You Need to Pull This Off?

Then, I recommend reading a general timeline of when to prepare the foods that are to be on your table. Remember: this is based on MY menu (turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, gravy, corn, rolls…), if you are serving more or different things, you might want to call grandma to catch-up on timing. Also, it’ll be a chance to hear about the great depression. Again.

Thanksgiving Timeline

Listen, I know you’re lazy – is the sky blue? So, I’ve included fast-access to a recipe that you should tackle this weekend – Turkey stock (I checked your schedule, and there’s time to wedge this in). Homemade stock is the backbone for a decent gravy and the backbone to a delicious stuffing. Extra bonus: use the left-over turkey stock to replace chicken stock/broth after Thanksgiving to make everything taste better.

Thanksgiving: Turkey Stock

The other recipes are in the “recipes” tab at the top of this page, or you can click the link below. There’s a section for “Thanksgiving;” you should be able to find it.


Let’s recap:

  1. Prior planning prevents piss-poor performance
  2. Follow my instructions
  3. Enjoy the meal
  4. Have someone else clean-up