Keep It Together, People

For some, sequestration is an opportunity to find interests, talents, and skills we never knew existed. For others, it’s a time to lay down and die:


She’s not proud of herself – and Jeffrey is probably ripshit

Ina Garten has decided to spread PB&J on a waffle – and eat it. (she “claims” it was a homemade waffle that was in the freezer – may as well be an Eggo from the gas station)

The fact that it’s easy, doesn’t make it breakfast. Now is not the time to lower our standards – we’ll eventually emerge from quarantine and retake our place in society. Don’t give-up just yet. Scarfing down a few waffles in the dark is ok to sustain life, but don’t crow about it on the Instagram.

Especially not when I have a pile of idiot-proof breakfasts for you to enjoy:

Just because I don’t love you doesn’t mean you can’t love yourself.

Also, “somehow, PB&J landed on it…” Are there mischievous elves in her kitchen? WTF.