
What is chimichurri? It’s an Argentine sauce – like a pesto – that’s awesome on grilled meats. When you grill something that doesn’t have too much character, like a chicken breast, it’s either BBQ sauce or something else that provides the flavor. Chimichurri is a great “something else” to put in your sauce arsenal. Bonus, it’s easy (if you have a food processor).

Are you seeing this? It’s beautiful!

Makes ~1 cup, enough for one dinner


  • Fresh Flat leaf parsley, 1 cup packed
  • Fresh Oregano, 2 Tbs (or 2 tsp of dried oregano)
  • Olive oil, 1 cup
  • Red wine vinegar, 2 Tbs
  • Garlic, 2 cloves minced
  • Salt, 1/2 tsp
  • Black pepper, to taste
  • Red pepper flake, to taste


  • Parsley: Rinse. Remove some/most of the stem parts.
  • Oregano: Rinse. Pluck the leaves from the stems.
Pour into another container for time in the fridge


  1. Put all but oil in the food processor
  2. Start processing – pour the oil in and keep spinning
  3. Pulse a few times to make sure it’s all homogenized
  4. Done
  5. Put into the fridge for about an hour to blend and mellow
  6. Note: This will last about a week in the fridge


  • Is there a way to make this without a food processor? >> No. Grow up and get one.
Also good on grilled vegetables